• Picnic duration - 40 minutes
  • The event is dedicated from 2 up to 6 people
  • Private cabin just for you, your family and friends
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Enjoy the royal picnic in the clouds.


  • Would you like to feast your eyes on the beauties of the Horehronie region and taste delicious food at the same time? You can do that in Jasná! Among a lot of other things.
  • Begin your adventure with a welcome drink in Rotunda and let us escort you to a special picnic cable car (Chopok - Kosodrevina A2) where you can savour an abundant picnic menu during a 40-minute-journey (a picnic basket with delicacies such as prosciutto ham, cheese, bread and rolls, fruit, sparkling mineral water, Prosecco).
  • The condition for using the SKY PICNIC service is a purchased return ticket to Chopok, valid on the day of the SKY PICNIC. The price of the product does NOT include a return ticket to Chopok
  • SKY PICNIC clients have to meet in the Rotunda restaurant on Mt Chopok 15 minutes before the scheduled picnic time. Please arrive in Jasná (North - Biela Púť or South - Krupová) at least 1 hour before the booked picnic time so that you can get to Mt Chopok in time. As the SKY PICNIC is limited as for the capacity and time, please don’t be late.
  • More information at Infocentre Biela Púť: +421 907 88 66 44,