Take on the temperature, snow and dizzying speed! Win some great prizes from the TREK brand, bike passes to our bike park.
- The winner is the one who covers the section of the ski trail we have designated the fastest on a bike! We compete in a group of men and women! The competition is intended exclusively for adults, categories: women 18+ open, men 18+ open.
- What the ticket includes:
Participation in the competition
- Price:
PLN 129 | March 17-20- Online registration lasts until 20.03.2025, 11:59 PM or until all places are filled.
- Preliminary competition program:
8:30-9:30 AM issuing start numbers at the competition office under the gondola*
9:30-10:00 AM training rides
10:30 AM setting up bikes at the start
11:00 AM start of the competition
1:00 PM/1:30 PM official ceremony with award ceremony
11:00 AM-4:00 PM Bike Party at Apreski under the Gondola
* Start numbers are issued for a deposit of PLN 50. Payment in cash only.
More information and competition rules can be found at www.szczyrkowski.pl